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Car Bash weekend
My uncles "Bomber" on my family's land in New Hampshire.
Driven through bushes, mud and fields. Still runs great!

My cousin and I were talking one weekend. We were remembering when my uncles and their friends would bring junk box cars ( from free to about $800 ) up to our land in New Hampshire. They would drive them through the fields and woods just for kicks and a few times they set up smash up derbys. There's nothing like seeing a car hit another car and hearing " hissssss ", then seeing steam shooting up out of the radiator ( assuming you're not in a real acident ). They would let us paint logo's and sayings on these cars before they destroyed them and at the end of the competition they would have them towed up to the dump which was only a few miles away. Our uncles haven't done this type of thing since 1985 and my cousin and I got thinking..... why don't we start up a car weekend on our own? This is going to be tough to set up because of certain legalities.  If any of you have a lot of land to do this please let us know.

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