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Hunt in the Hills ( Scavenger Hunt 2 ) 2002 Photos   |   Before the event   |   RANDOM PICTURES   |   TEAM BICKNELL   |   TEAM McBRINE   |   TEAM PALMISANO   |   The Next Day
Team McBrines vehicle.... Chris's Phocus.... Focus?  Anyway,
Decepticons rule!!!!!

Chris's Phocus again but from the back.  Dusty from the campground roads.

The McBrine brothers.  Chris at the wheel and Mike in the passenger seat.

Mike & his girlfriend Sara.

Too gross for words..... the McBrine roadkill right before they picked it up.  They
actually filmed them getting this.... er, umm... thing.  We'll post the video once they
send it to us.  It's actually one of the funniest things I've seen in awhile.  A couple
of guys screaming about how gross it is while they're trying to bring it to us.

Gag..... frikkin nasty.  Even I don't have the guts ( no pun intended ) to scoop
something like this up.  My brother Tom actually cut their bag open so we could get a picture
of what has to be the grossest roadkill that any team has brought to us so far.  Even
the possum from the previous competition wasn't this bad.  100 points of mushy stink.

Team McBrine were the second team to come back.  They got plot 2.

Chris showing us that their cap gun really works ( 20 points ).

The multi-talented Billy hula hooping and spinning a disk.  Maybe he should try
to get on 30 Seconds to Fame.

Mike showing off their plastic fruit ( 20 points ).

Team McBrines stuff on their plot.

Yes.... it's spelled P - H - O - C - U - S !!!
Just waiting for the items to be added up.

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