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Hunt in the Hills ( Scavenger Hunt 2 ) 2002 Photos   |   Before the event   |   RANDOM PICTURES   |   TEAM BICKNELL   |   TEAM McBRINE   |   TEAM PALMISANO   |   The Next Day

Kelly being a 7 hour clown ( 100 points ).

Team Palmisano were the last to come back.  They got plot 3.

Jim showing the rusty ice skates (100 points ).

Bob showing off the squeegee he...um.. borrowed from the gas station ( 40 points ).

Team Palmisanos junk.

Jim showing a red 45 record ( 40 points & 40 points ) and a spanking paddle ( 40 points ).
The record took care of two items... the 45 record and a record any color other than black.

Team Palmisanos live worms ( 30 points ).

Jim wearing the raccoon skin cap ( 40 points ).

Dave showing off the Gold Sneakers ( a whopping 200 points ).  This might be
why they were the first team to take off quickly.  Jim went off the road to get these!

Hanging the Gold Sneakers in the tree in memory of Hunt in the Hills.

Me handing the prized piggy bank to Team Palmisano after announcing they have won.

Bob holding up the prize piggy bank.  Each member of their team also got
Best Buy gift cards for $10 each.  Hey, that's all I could afford after setting all this up!

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