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Hunt in the Hills ( Scavenger Hunt 2 ) 2002 Photos   |   Before the event   |   RANDOM PICTURES   |   TEAM BICKNELL   |   TEAM McBRINE   |   TEAM PALMISANO   |   The Next Day
Before the event
Just hanging around waiting for lunch and the lists.

Curt thinking " Do I really want to be a clown for the day? "

Our new grill that Mike helped me put together.  Oh man... we put the wheels on
the front!  They're supposed to be in the back.

Mike helping fix the grills height adjustment bars.

The food table at lunch.  We had hamburgers, hotdogs, Jill's marinated chicken, kielbasa,
macaroni salad, chips and a bunch of other stuff.  Kelly did most of the cooking.

Waiting for the cookout to start.

Melinda, Curt and Shell eating lunch.

Scott painting the tree blue.

Yes.... that farting noise means it's empty!

Early group photo.

The big group photo.

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