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Halloween Horror Movie Snack-A-Thon 2002
Saturday, October 19th 2002

One day Jill and I were sitting around thinking of something cool to do in October. We didn't want to put up with setting up a Halloween party so instead we decided to make a horror movie night. Along with the movies we came up with the idea of having people bring sick, strange and interesting snacks. Interesting snacks indeed!!! As you'll see in the following pictures. One snack in particular was almost difficult to eat for the fact that it looked too real. The two movies we watched were Evil Dead 2 and Blade 2. Both movies are pretty fast paced and have some cool effects. Nicole M. and Jim P. won the prize for the best and most creative snack. The prize they got was a large framed drawing that a few of my friends told me I should sell. I actually drew it in work between phone calls and it took me a few months to complete. Hopefully they find a good spot for it. Everybody seemed to have a good time which makes us think we may have another Horror Movie Snack-A-Thon in the future.

Skull candelabra next to our couch.

Billy giving a high five?

Chris and Jay's spider cookies. Tasty little critters!

Paul's delicious  spider treats. Some of these guys could use braces.

Nicole and Jim's roadkill cake. A fitting tribute to the Hunt in the Hills. Cool,
sick and mmm, mmm good!

Our snack table with roadkill, spiders, roadkill stew and blood balls.

Brian's finger snacks. This is what smoking will do to your nails!

Gag! Yes, it's actually edible..... once you are away from the toilet seat.
Katie and Jim's Port-A-Potty stew. It was actually  Chinese Ravioli's which
tasted great.

Dig right in. Nothing like the aroma of...............

Jared and Paul hanging out.

The snack table.

Dave, Jim, Nicole, Jay and Chris.

The stairs (runway?) to the 2nd floor.

Must concentrate.... kill evil demons.

The hand.

View from the stairs.

Our spider eating a foot.

The table again.

Katie poop scooping.

Next to our snack table was our little skeleton in a coffin full of Lindt Chocolates
surrounded by flies. The jar with the red stuff was actually a bunch of skulls in a bloody
jelly candle.

This was in our computer room next to the bathroom. It was a 6 foot tall ghost, a fan, strobe light
and horror sounds/music being ran constantly on our computer.  The effect was pretty cool
because the wind would make the curtains blow open (which were over the doorway), the ghost
would move, the face glowed between the flashing strobe and the sound effects covered up the fan noise.

Dave, Jim, Jared, Paul, Billy and Jim.

Dave and Jim trying to hide. Possibly thinking they wished my batteries would die.

Jim is so proud of the poop Katie made. Judging by the look on Katies face,
she's pretty proud too!

Our angry little fallen angel picture.

Hand me the frikkin camera!!

This was across from the bathroom. The ghost is off to the right.

Nicole and Jim won for most creative snack. They now have a well deserved spot in
our Hall of Fame. That's the drawing they won that I made between calls
 at work. They told me I should sell it but it was actually drawn on the opposite
side of a Discovery poster I got at a kiosk on my break. I'm terrified of copy right
 infringement when it comes to my art.

The winning snack. The Raccoon Roadkill Cake. Nice detail! It even has a spine
made of Canadian Mints, Jello guts and even a yellow road line!


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