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Video Game Massacre
Ah, one of my favorite past times. Video games used to be frowned upon by a lot of people in the 80's and parents used to like to use the term "Those will rot your brains out!". I started to play video games in 1978 and haven't stopped since. As a matter of fact, my wife and I have collected over 36 game systems. Some of the systems are Pong, Paddle 4, Telstar Arcade, Atari (400, 800, 2600, 5200, 7800 & Jaguar), Colecovision, Intellivision, Coleco Adam, Sega Master System, Nintendo Entertainment System, Turbo Grafx 16, Turbo Grafx CD, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Panasonic 3DO, Nintendo Virtual Boy, R-Zone, Playstation and Playstation 2. I also have a lot of obscure systems that I don't even remember the names of. Most of the systems are packed away at my Mothers house, but when Jill and I move into a bigger house, I'll try to put the systems on display. Video games won't rot your brains out. If anything, they keep your mind going. Especially puzzle games. You need hand-eye coordination and the brains to think quick (unless you're one of those people who use cheats and guides to beat a game). Anyway, this competition is to see who's legitimately good at games and to have a good time. I like to see people compete and it's kind of funny to see them make faces they aren't even aware of! Just recently the video gaming industry made more money than Hollywood for the year of 2002! This just goes to show you that more and more people are getting into playing them. The winners of the Massacre will be posted in our Hall of Fame, win a trophy and get all the cash! See you at the next Massacre!
- click on a picture below to see that year -
When I was young my brother brought me to the bowling alley in our town. He played a game called Asteroids and when he was
done I had my turn. I was completely amazed that I was in control of the ship that was blasting away at the oncoming asteroids and
from that point on I was hooked. This was only the beginning of my life long addiction ( and hobby ). As the years passed I would spend my allowance at the bowling alley playing Centipede, Targ, Space Invaders, Galaxian, Donkey Kong, Galaga, PacMan and just about any other coin-eating game. It started to become more interesting when the older kids were playing against me to try to beat my high score on some games.
A few years later my mother bought me an Atari 2600 which kept me busy quite a bit..... but still didn't come close to the big arcade machines.
When I got a little older me and my friends would ride our bikes to the bowling alleys, pizza shops and convenience stores looking for arcade
games to play. When we were sick of our towns stores we ventured into the next town over finding even better video games. This trend
lasted for a long time ( roughly age 10 to 15 ) and in those years I had received a Colecovision, Adam and a Commodore VIC 20.
From high school on I had been to countless arcades and have probably played thousands of video games ( arcade and home ) and have possibly beaten a good number of them. Over the years my wife and I have collected an extremely large number of game systems and
games. The systems we have are Atari Pong, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari 400, Atari 800, Atari Jaguar, Paddle 4, Colecovision,
Telstar System, Odyssey 1, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Dreamcast, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Nintendo Entertainment
System, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Virtual Boy, Intellivision, Intellivision Sports System, Turbo Grafx 16, Turbo Grafx CD, Sony Playstation, Sony
Playstaion 2 and a few others. We always have friends over to play games on the weekends ( who are also into video games ). Seeing our friends playing against each other gave me the idea for the competition. I had just as much fun watching people race, fight and outwit
their competitors. Jill and I decided that we would turn this into a competition with a winner and loser prize. This went over very well
and had a pretty good turn out each time. The most amount of people that we had at one competition was about 30 (some watching and some playing). Currently
right now we live in a condo and space is very limited. We do plan on buying a house in a couple of years and I assure you that we
will definitely have another Video Game Massacre!
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